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RESET: K-12 Education

Louisiana should maintain a strong school accountability system, rigorous K12 academic standards and a focus on early literacy, while building upon a wide and dynamic array of education choices for students and parents.

Law Enforcement Pay

Part 4 of a four-part series addressing public employee compensation in Louisiana.

Teacher Compensation

Part 3 of a four-part series addressing public employee compensation in Louisiana.

Rising Cost of Higher Education

Louisiana students and their families are bearing more of the costs of attending college, after years of declining state financing for public universities and ballooning tuition costs. The state-financed TOPS free college tuition program is filling some of those gaps for families, but with certain schools and students benefitting more than others.

Digital Illiteracy and COVID-19

One in 10 Louisiana adults are considered digitally illiterate, meaning they are unable to find information through online platforms even as more commerce, news and entertainment require such technological skills to access.

2022 Legislative Session: Focus on Finances

Louisiana lawmakers completed a three-month regular session more likely to be remembered for the post-pandemic spending spree, record-setting education increases and significant infrastructure investments than for sweeping policy changes.