Fiscal and Budget Policy Center
To help Louisiana’s citizens and decision-makers better understand the state’s budget deficit, PAR has developed a hub containing links to important organizations and academic resources. Exclusive PAR reports and commentary on the 2016 regular and extraordinary sessions can also be found here.Resources:
PAR Reports and Commentaries
- New Patterns on the Spending Side, May 2017
- The State Corporate Tax Structure Revisited, May 2017
- The Future is Now: Improved tax policies, a better business climate and an answer to the fiscal cliff are still possible this session, May 2017
- Out of Chaos Comes Change, March 2016
- A Plan to Control State Spending, January 2016
PAR Participates in the following Task Forces
- Task Force on Structural Changes in Budget and Tax Policy
- MFP Task Force
- Ad Valorem Task Force
- Sales Tax Streamlining and Modernization Task Force