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Court Redistricting Lacks Transparency

As a majority of the Louisiana Supreme Court justices crafted a proposed map to redesign the court’s seven districts and include a second majority-minority seat, they forgot to include one highly important thing: Transparency.

Judicial Study Stonewalled

Louisiana lawmakers, with judicial backing, launched an important study last year to determine the workload of different courts, an effort aimed at ensuring tax dollars are appropriately spent and different judges aren’t saddled with higher caseloads than their peers. 

Managing Medicaid Disenrollment

Louisiana has started removing tens of thousands of people from the state’s Medicaid program, more than 50,000 so far, either because they no longer qualify for the taxpayer financed health insurance or at least haven’t proven they remain eligible.

2023 Legislative Session: Breaching the Cap

Louisiana lawmakers wrapped up their work in a contentious regular session with a chaotic, last-minute flurry of votes on a budget plan that charted spending for the next year, divvied up $2.2 billion in short-term cash and completed the only must-do item for legislators.

Tax Collections Surge Higher

Louisiana’s surging tax collections still haven’t tapered off, with the newest forecasts pouringadditional dollars into state coffers and further complicating tense legislative negotiations overwhat to do with all the cash.

Budget Clash

Spending plans crafted by Republicans leaders in the Louisiana House trade most of the governor’s recommended education investments to instead pay down retirement debt, setting up a financial clash with senators who want a different approach.