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Elderly Care Services Report

The number of people who are elderly is growing at a faster pace than the rest of the population across the country and in Louisiana. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that people age 65 and older will outnumber children by 2034, a first in the nation’s history.

RESET State Tax Reform, 2024 Greg Albrecht

The administration has announced that it intends to call the legislature into a special session in early November 2024 to consider a multi-faceted package of changes to the state tax system. In preparation for that session, RESET Louisiana, a collaboration of the Council for A Better Louisiana, the Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana, and […]

Complete Listing of Proposed and Adopted Amendments to Louisiana’s 1974

  Article Election Ballot # Amendment Pass or Fail Article I: Declaration of Rights I 11/08/22 7 Limits on Involuntary Servitude Fail I 12/10/22 1 Prohibit Voting for People Who Aren’t U.S. Citizens Pass I 11/03/20 1 No Right to Abortion Pass I 11/06/18 1 Felon in Public Office Pass I 11/06/18 2 Unanimous Jury […]

Voting on Louisiana Proposed Constitutional Amendments 1978-2023

Voting on Louisiana Proposed Constitutional Amendments 1978-2023 November 18, 2023 1.) Deadlines to Veto Bills and Rules for Veto Sessions. A vote for would allow lawmakers to try to override a governor’s bill rejections without calling a separate veto session if they are already in a legislative session and add further details about the deadlines […]

Louisiana Virtual: Facing the Reality of Online Schooling

The future of education arrived before we were quite ready for it. Virtual schooling finds high demand in Louisiana and holds great promise, but its track record looks spotty at best. Its successes are diluted by its setbacks and some of its advantages might be underappreciated, or even unmeasured.