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Hurricanes and COVID-19

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts an “above average” 2022 hurricane season, creating another round of worrying for Louisiana residents who are still recovering from significant damages.

Digital Illiteracy and COVID-19

One in 10 Louisiana adults are considered digitally illiterate, meaning they are unable to find information through online platforms even as more commerce, news and entertainment require such technological skills to access.

Mineral Prices and COVID-19

Oil prices per barrel have spiked higher than in the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was $118.57 per barrel on June 6. According to Macrotrends, the previous high was in summer of 2014.

Broadband Usage and COVID-19

Broadband internet affordability appears to be the leading cause of Louisiana’s digital divide. Broadband, short for broad bandwidth, transmits data from the internet to devices at high speeds.


Key metrics show early signs of a potential new surge. The Louisiana Department of Health reported 788 confirmed cases on May 19 with a three-day average of 704, and the number of patients in hospitals with COVID has increased throughout May.

Media Distrust and COVID-19

Fifty-one percent of respondents trust information from local news outlets, according to the 2022 Louisiana Survey conducted by the LSU Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs. By comparison, 78% of respondents four years ago said they trusted information from local news outlets.

Coastal Land Loss and COVID-19

Sixty-eight percent of Louisiana residents believe land loss will greatly impact those living on the coast, according to a new poll released earlier this month. Fifty percent of residents felt that they personallywould be greatly or moderately affected by coastal land loss.

75th Anniversary
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