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RESET: Pension Reform

Louisiana should improve the state pension system to reduce the risk of increasing debt, better serve the state’s workforce recruitment needs and provide a more competitive system for employees.

RESET: Budget

Louisiana should make budget decisions that put the state on sound fiscal footing and ready for any financial problems on the horizon.

RESET: Taxes

Louisiana should provide a fair, simple and competitive tax environment for individuals and businesses that produces sufficient and stable revenue for essential government operations and services.

RESET: Early Childhood Education

Louisiana should maintain a strong school accountability system, rigorous K-12 academic standards and a focus on early literacy, while building upon a wide and dynamic array of education choices for students and parents.

RESET: Higher Education/Workforce

Louisiana should reset the focus of postsecondary education with the specific goals of providing affordability for Louisiana students, equitably increasing the education attainment levels of its citizens and enhancing the competitiveness of its institutions.

RESET: K-12 Education

Louisiana should maintain a strong school accountability system, rigorous K12 academic standards and a focus on early literacy, while building upon a wide and dynamic array of education choices for students and parents.